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What is the full form of the abbreviation UNICEF ?
- ✘ Union Nations Citizen Employment Fund
- ✘ United Nations Citizen Education Fundamental
- ✔ United Nations Children's Education Fund
- ✘ Union Nations Civil Employment Fund
What is the full form of the abbreviation INTERPOL ?
- ✘ India Criminal Police Organization.
- ✘ International Crime Police Organization.
- ✘ International Criminal People Organization.
- ✔ International Criminal Police Organization.
What is the full form of the abbreviation IFC ?
- ✔ International Finance Corporation
- ✘ India Finance Center
- ✘ India Finance Corporation
- ✘ International Finance Center
What is the full form of the abbreviation UNESCO ?
- ✘ United Nations Educational, Science and Center
- ✘ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Center
- ✔ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
- ✘ Union Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organisation
What is the full form of the abbreviation AIIMS ?
- ✘ All International Institute Moral Sciences
- ✘ Association India Institute Medical Sciences
- ✘ Association India Infrastructure Service
- ✔ All India Institute Medical Sciences
What is the full form of the abbreviation ISRO ?
- ✘ International Scientific Research Organisation
- ✘ International Space Research Organisation
- ✔ Indian Space Research Organisation
- ✘ Indian Scientific Research Organisation
What is the full form of the abbreviation IGST?
- ✘ Indian Goods and Services Tax
- ✘ International Goods and Services Tax
- ✘ Integrated Goods and Supply Tax
- ✔ Integrated Goods and Services Tax
What is the full form of the abbreviation DRDO?
- ✘ Dental Research Development Operation
- ✔ Defense Research Development Organisation
- ✘ Defense Research Development Operation
- ✘ Duty Research Development Organisation
What is the full form of the abbreviation BSF?
- ✘ Border Safety Force
- ✘ Basic Security Force
- ✔ Border Security Force
- ✘ Basic Security Fund
What is the full form of the abbreviation CBFC?
- ✘ Central Board of Film Center
- ✘ Central Board of Finance Certification
- ✘ Central Branch of Film Center
- ✔ Central Board of Film Certification