Transfer of pollen grains from the male structure of a flower to female structure of a flower is called as pollination.
Movement of pollen grains to a flower’s female part results in fertilization of the flower’s eggs.
The fertilized flower will produce seeds ensuring that a new generation of plants can be grown.
Human beings, animals, wind, water anything can help in moving the pollen grains from a flower.
Pollination can be classified into two types-
· SELF-POLLINATION: A pollination where the pollen transfer takes place between the anther and stigma of the same flower.
· CROSS-POLLINATION: A pollination where the pollen transfer takes place between the anther and the stigma of different flowers of the same plant or different plants of the same species.
Generally, pollination takes place with the help certain agents so called pollinators. They include insects, water, birds, the wind, etc.