Feet of Birds
· Birds use their claws to catch food and to protect themselves.
· They use them to sit on branches. The feet and legs are covered with scales.
· Birds have two to four toes on each foot.
· Claws on the feet are also used to scratch the ground or for fighting.
· The long legs of wading birds like killdeer make it possible for them to wade into ponds and streams to catch and eat small water animals.
· The other examples are Flamingo, Crane.
· Birds which swim in water to catch their food (like ducks and geese) have small feet with three long toes in front and one small toe at the back.
· The three front toes are joined together with thin skin also called webbed feet which they use to paddle through water easily.
· Birds which climb the trees for food (like Woodpecker, Parrot) have sharp, curved claws that help them to climb and clutch the bark of trees.
· These birds have two toes pointing forward and two point backward.
· They help them to climb up on trees and hold fruits to eat.
· Flesh-eating birds, also called Raptor birds (like Eagle, Hawks, owls) have sharp, strong and curved claws, or talons, with which to catch their prey.
· They use their strong claws to crush their victims, and to carry them away.
· All songbirds, or perching birds, have three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward.
· Their toes help them to grip branches so tightly that they do not fall down even while sleeping. Eg. Crows, sparrows, etc
· Some birds like hens and cocks have sharp and hard claws with three long toes in front and one short toe at the back.
· They scratch the ground with their sharp claws to get seeds and insects to eat them.

We have our e-books published on Amazon for Grade 3 and Grade 4. The books serve as an important guide for Science Olympiads organized by SOF, Silverzone, Unified Council and others. Books are designed to help students understand key science concepts.
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