- egg-laying, Vertebrate
- Beak with no teeth
- skeletal structure filled with hollows and air sacs
- Feathers composed of keratin and other proteins for insulation. Eg. Kingfisher, Duck, owl
cold blooded
- egg-laying
- Vertebrate
- breathe using gills
- have a scaly skin
- fins instead of limbs
There are a few Exceptions.
Tunas and marlins and mako sharks that are warmer than the water.
- Fish like a mudskipper or walking catfish crawl on land.
- Lungfish have lungs.
- Eels are scale-less.
cold-blooded, soft-shelled eggs
- vertebrate, dry scaly skin
- Scales can be hard or soft, large or small.
- snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises
There are a few Exceptions.
- Snakes are legless reptiles; Turtles are reptiles with a big shell to protect them.
- Give Birth to Young Ones
- vertebrate
- Possess hair or fur
- females secrete milk to nourish young ones
- They are most intelligent among all animals.
- Humans, dogs, whales, elephants, horses, Bats, Dolphins
There are a few Exceptions.
Mammals have teeth with the exception of the ant eater which doesn’t have any teeth.
- A few mammals lay eggs like platypus and the long-nosed spiny anteater.
- egg-laying
- Vertebrate
- When they hatch from their eggs, amphibians have gills so they can breathe in the water.
- Later, their bodies change, growing legs and lungs enabling them to live on the land
- first part of their lives in the water and the last part on the land
- frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and caecilians
- egg-laying
- Invertebrates
- Their bodies are made up of three sections called the head, the thorax, and abdomen.
- All insects will have a pair of antennae on their head.
- All have six legs connected to the thorax
- Young insects are called nymphs/caterpillars. As insects grow, they get a new hard outer covering by getting rid of the old covering and growing a new one called molting.
- Butterfly, dragon fly, Cockroach
There are a few Exceptions.
Arachnids will have eight legs.